
Nana Suzanna’s Hawaiian Pizza

1 Frozen or ready made Pizza crust of your choice (if you’re, good, you can make your own.)
1 Bottle “Nana Suzanna’s Original Gourmet Sauce”
Fresh or canned Pineapple cut into small wedges
Crumbled Bacon
Chopped Ham or slices as you prefer
Green Pepper cut into pieces or slices
1 shallot or red onion thinly sliced
Shredded Mozzarella Cheese – fresh is best

Make Pizza crust according to package directions

Evenly spread “Nana Suzanna’s Original Gourmet Sauce” on the crust to taste

Sprinkle the Mozzarella on the sauce

Evenly distribute the other ingredients over the crust to your liking.

Bake at time recommended by the pizza crust instructions.

Makes 1 pizza – serving size determined by who is dining


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